Some details about the Boatyard
The Boatyard
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+ 100 Years
We have been around for a while!

Slipway and Boatyard.
English speaking Boatyard, Committed personal attention, Superior care for your Boat at competitive rates, Slipway and Boatyard.
“En el barrio de Bouzas, en Vigo, junto a los grandes astilleros de buques de acero, y modernas naves frigoríficas, se encuentra una emblemática construcción de madera de color almagre. De ella se dice que, aquel que tiene la suerte de …”. With this video we would like to show you a bit more about our Boatyard and how it is.Portafolios
These are some of the jobs that we have done lately. If you want that your boat appears on this section, please contact us.
“… Alfredo Lagos appeared about one hour after our phone call and boarded to inspect …”
“… the Lagos brothers are the last chance for a serious work on your yacht before crossing West.”
“Astilleros Lagos es un astillero serio y de confianza, con el que llevo tratando más de…”
Latest News
Christmas 2022
Happy Christmas and […]
Wood and varnish jobs on MORENITA
The rain arrived […]
Christmas 2021
Happy Christmas and […]
Happy Christmas 2019
As every year […]